
Brotherly love: working shoulder to shoulder sharing resources for the benefit of us all.

Links (URLs) to resources helpful to men, fathers, sons, children and families.



Description The premier organization working to thwart misandry


Books from the Gurian Institute Dr. Gurian has written twenty-eight books find out more here
DADS America Created by divorced, separated, and unwed fathers for the benefit of fathers.
DADS of Michigan Working to benefit Fathers and their children
Dr. Richard Warshak – Psychologist –Author of “Divorce Poison… Dr. Warshak is a psychologist and author of Divorce Poison: How To Protect Your Family From Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing, now in its 24th printing, and co-author of the critically acclaimed DVD for children and parents, Welcome Back, Pluto: Understanding, Preventing, and Overcoming Parental Alienation.
Fathers & Families Fathers and Families® improves the lives of children and strengthens society by protecting the child’s right to the love and care of both parents after separation or divorce.
Glen Sacks dot com Glenn Sacks, MA is the Executive Director of Fathers and Families, the nation’s largest family court reform organization.
Home Page – National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse Fatherlessness is a growing crisis in America, one that undergirds many of the challenges that families are facing. When dads aren’t around, young people are more likely to drop out of school, use drugs, be involved in the criminal justice system, and become young parents themselves.


Index Page Founded in 1996, the Gurian Institute is committed to helping boys and girls reach their full potential by providing professional development that increases student achievement, teacher effectiveness, and parent involvement.


Michael Gurian Michael provides keynotes, training, and consulting for conferences, schools and school districts, businesses and corporations, community agencies, and other organizations.
National Center for Fathering In response to the dramatic trend towards fatherlessness in America, Dr. Ken Canfield founded the National Center as a nonprofit, scientific and education organization. Today, the Center provides practical, research-based training and resources that equip men in virtually every fathering situation to be the involved fathers their children need.
National Fatherhood Initiative National Fatherhood Initiative’s Mission: To improve the well-being of children by increasing the proportion of children growing up with involved, responsible, and committed fathers. We strive to ensure a brighter future for America’s youth.  By equipping and educating fathers, we’re working on an issue that is at the core of our nation’s well-being.
Parental Alienation (Syndrome) – Dr. L.F. Lowenstein SEPS provides a range of specialised psychological services for schools, parents and families, social services, employers and employees, covering Southern England.
The stresses of modern times bear down hard upon many of us from an early age, leading to disruptive pressures in our homes, at school and in the work place.

Through personal assessment and treatment programmes formulated to suit individual needs, SEPS can help anyone in special need of consultancy to better understand and cope with their problems, be they educational, behavioural or vocational.


Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness Parental alienation and hostile aggressive parenting deprive children of their right to be loved by and showing love for both of their parents. The destructive actions by an alienating parent or other third person (like another family member, or even a well meaning mental health care worker) can become abusive to the child – as the alienating behaviors are disturbing, confusing and often frightening, to the child, and can rob the child of their sense of security and safety leading to maladaptive emotional or psychiatric reactions.
Parental Alienation and Parental Alienation Syndrome Home Page Our Goal:  PsyCare hopes to address issues that are not always popular or politically correct. Instead, we want to stimulate debate and research on important issues affecting today’s families, learn from other’s experiences, and influence social policies based upon empirical research and objective findings.
PAS Help – Parents Who Have Successfully Fought Parental Alienation

Nothing stirs up passions more than the controversy generated when parents are at war over the custody of a child. 

     A controversy is an issue where evidence on both sides can make a compelling case. It is never black and white, but when people have their emotions aroused, an issue can quickly turn into two polar opposites.

RADAR (MediaRadar) R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation’s approach to solving domestic violence.
SAVE Services The mission of Stop Abusive and Violent Environments — SAVE – is to improve the effectiveness of our nation’s approach to solving the problem of domestic violence through education, training, and awareness programs.
Stop Parental Alienation of Children (SPAC) Parental alienation in its most severe form is a heinous form of child abuse and neglect. It is a dangerous manipulation of children’s minds to alter their perception of reality about another parent. The purpose of marginalizing this parent is that he or she has no means to be an effective parent or to cut that parent out of a child’s life entirely, called a parentectomy.
Warren Farrell Dr. Warren Farrell began his research on gender issues in the ‘60s. His first book, The Liberated Man, was published in 1974. It was from the women’s perspective and the feminist perspective. By the ‘80s, he began noticing that men were feeling misrepresented, and his award-winning national best-seller, Why Men Are The Way They Are, was written to answer women’s questions about men in a way that rings true for men. The New York Post calls it “the most important book ever written about love, sex, and intimacy.”
Warren Farrell’s “Why men earn more” Dr. Warren Farrell, the only man ever elected three times to the Board of the National Organization for Women in NYC, once asked, “If men are paid more for the same work, why would anyone hire a man?”

He may be sorry he asked. But during the years of research that followed, the answer evolved: Men earn more than women, but not for the same work—for 25 different workplace choices. Men’s choices lead to men earning more money; women’s choices lead to women having better lives.

Watch D.O.G.S WATCH D.O.G.S.® is the father involvement initiative of the National Center for Fathering that was founded by Jim Moore, a concerned father who chose to take action in response to a 1998 middle-school shooting in Jonesboro, AR. Moore wanted to help prevent violence from occurring at his children’s school or at any school. The first program was launched at George Elementary in Springdale, AR, the school of Moore’s oldest child. Today, more than 2127 programs in 40 states and New Zealand participate in WATCH D.O.G.S.®
West Michigan DADS at Yahoo Working for the benefit of children and fathers
West Michigan DADS at Word Press Working to benefit children and fathers

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