With this ring…


I am pleased to share with you With This Ring…A National Survey on Marriage in America, one of the most comprehensive surveys ever conducted on American attitudes towards the institution of marriage. This timely report provides important data that will serve to inform opinion leaders, policy makers, marriage educators, and scholars as they grapple with strategies to strengthen marriages in our country.

There is little doubt that marriage is one of the most venerable and significant institutions in American culture. However, there is also little doubt that, despite the fact that Americans generally value marriage and desire to have happy marriages, there are some troubling trends that should alarm us. The prevalence of divorce is one such troubling trend, particularly if one is concerned about the well-being of children.

Given National Fatherhood Initiative’s (NFI) mission is to improve the well-being of children by increasing the proportion that grow up with involved, responsible and committed fathers, NFI was especially interested in providing the public with invaluable insights into a variety of issues that affect children. Because when fathers and children are disconnected, children fare worse, on average, across every measure of physical, economic, educational, and psychological well-being.

With one out of three American children living in father-absent homes, it is important for us to understand how the public views marriage, which arguably is society’s best “glue” to connect fathers to their children, heart to heart.

Roland C. Warren


National Fatherhood Initiative


Because when fathers and children are disconnected, children fare worse, on average, across every measure of physical, economic, educational, and psychological well-being.

Read the whole report here:

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